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Dress Down For Charity

Partick Housing Association Staff Donations – Dress Down For Charity

Every Friday is dress down day for PHA employees. Staff are allowed to dress casually and for this privilege, everyone’s encouraged to put some cash in the charity box.  The 2017-18 dress down fund raised £1,200. 

Staff were consulted on where the money should go and came up with two charities who benefited by £600 each; the Scottish Association for Mental Health and Turning Point Scotland.

PHA Corporate Services Manager, Jacqueline McCutcheon said: “We’re delighted to support these very important charities whose work addresses widespread societal issues around mental health, addictions, homelessness and substance misuse. Housing Associations are well placed to recognise the many issues that can affect individuals sustaining their tenancies, so it’s highly appropriate that SAMH and Turning Point benefit from this donation”.

For more information on SAMH and Turning Point, please visit their websites.

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