PHA owns and manages more than 1,800 social rented homes in the West End. We look to make the best possible use of your rent. But just how do we spend it?
Here we highlight some of the services we provide with the money you pay.
Looking after your home: we respond when you tell us a repair is needed; and we put some money aside so we can carry out planned works, like structural repairs and upgraded heating systems, as well as new kitchens and bathrooms.
Keeping you warm: we invest so our homes meet modern standards, are energy efficient and comfortable for tenants.
Keeping you safe: we spend money to meet fire safety standards installing smoke alarms, heat detectors and carbon monoxide detectors; and we also check that homes with gas are safe every year, as well as test electrics regularly.
Collecting the rent: we offer convenient ways for you to pay your rent and our staff are here to advise tenants; and we try to work with tenants to keep their rent accounts up to date and claim any benefits they might be entitled to.
Building new homes: we build new affordable rented homes to meet local housing needs for current residents and future generations – this work is funded by a mix of government grant and housing association bank loans repaid with rent money.
Tackling homelessness: housing associations play a big role in helping the Council to house people who have become homeless and we assist them to maintain their new tenancy.
Helping your community thrive: local housing associations do a lot more than just being a landlord, so we work with others to support activities with the local community.
Being open and accountable to you: housing associations need to make sure that you can get hold of us when you need to; and as well as sending out regular Partick Times newsletters, our website provides the information that tenants need at your fingertips and we welcome feedback from our customers.
Dealing with the bodies who regulate us: all housing associations have to meet important standards set out by the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR), so we provide a lot of information to them and the Charities Regulator each year on issues such as how we are run and how we manage our finances.
Not everything costs money: our Board is responsible for the overall running of the Association and is made up entirely of unpaid volunteers, with a range of skills and experience, who are fully committed to Partick Housing Association.
Tell us what you think: overall we think that our rents are good value for money – you only have to look at the higher rents and poorer levels of service in the private rented sector; but we are not complacent about value for money – we are always keen to get feedback from our tenants on our rents, the services we provide and perhaps on services you would like us to think about providing in the future.
What we do is about more than bricks and mortar. We retain a clear customer and community focus, as well as a commitment to collaborate and be involved in wider activities beyond our core landlord role.
For more information on our strategic objectives and outcomes, view our updated Group Corporate Plan 2022 – 2026.