Following Government advice, PHA has closed our office and our staff are working from home.
What does this mean for you?
- Our staff will be still be available by phone and/or email. If you have any concerns please call;
- We will carry out emergency repairs only; and
- No face to face meetings will be held between PHA staff and others for the next three weeks. However, we will still be available by phone. Your housing officer can talk you through these options.
We hope this doesn’t cause inconvenience, but trust that in these extraordinary times you understand that we are following the instructions of the Government.
Please find below an update on each of our service areas.
Repairs and Maintenance Team
Our repairs team are working from home during the current crisis, we will try our very best to continue to provide help and advice to our customers. We’re here to support you through these difficult times, however we will be providing a reduced repairs service.
- Staff will still be available to speak to all our customers during normal working hours should you have any concerns or require help and advice please call the Freephone number – 0300 303 1703
- We will provide emergency repairs to all of our customers however routine and planned maintenance works will cease until further notice
- City Building will continue to provide gas central heating breakdown cover, and they will also continue with gas servicing to ensure safety for all of our customers, please allow them access to carry out this vital service the number to call for gas servicing or breakdown is – 0800 595 595
We aim to minimise the impact this will have on customers, and we will do our best to support you for the duration of this emergency.
Housing Team
Our housing team are now working from home but will continue to provide help and advice to our tenants. Our aim is to offer you as much support as we are able to throughout this difficult time. We will continue to offer the following services:
- Our staff will be available to speak to all our tenants during normal working hours should you have any concerns or require help and advice with any housing matter
- You can still make rent payments over the phone and online to keep your rent account up to date
- Our Money Advice Officer and Housing Officers will be available to offer tenants financial and benefit advice throughout this period – if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact your Housing Officer
- We will not be progressing any offers of tenancy at this time, this includes recent tenancy offers, transfers, mutual exchanges, sublet requests and assignations. If you have recently received an offer of housing, we will be in contact with you to discuss this
- We will only provide emergency common repairs to our buildings at this time – no reactive common repairs will be carried out until further notice
- Close and window cleaning services will stop from 24 March 2020 until further notice
- Back court maintenance services will stop from 24 March 2020, however, the bin pull out service will remain in place until further notice
- Glasgow City Council have withdrawn their food recycling waste service until further notice, therefore, you can no longer recycle any food waste in to the grey food waste bins in the backcourt. Please note grey food waste bins will not be emptied and all customers are asked to dispose of their food waste in to the green bins until further notice. Please contact Glasgow City Council direct on 0141 287 2000 regarding any issues you have with food waste.
- Glasgow City Council have suspended their bulk waste service from 19 March 2020 until further notice and therefore no items of bulk will be removed from the backcourts. We would request that you do not leave any items of bulk in the backcourts as this could cause a fire hazard. Please also note all household waste recycling centres are also closed until further notice.
- Housing officer areas covered and contact details can be found here
We aim to minimise the impact this will have on customers, however we thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this time.
Ways to pay your rent
- You can make a payment by telephoning on 0141 357 3773, selection Option 2
- To set up a direct debit you can contact your Housing Officer their contact details are found below
- You can pay online by visiting partickha.org.uk click make a payment
Factoring Team
The factoring team provide services to factored home owners and commercial owners, PWL commercial tenants and mid-market rent tenants.
Our factoring team are now working from home and we will try our very best to continue to provide help and advice to our customers. We’re here to support you through these difficult times, however we will be offering a reduced factoring service.
- Staff will be available to speak to all our customers during normal working hours should you have any concerns or require help and advice
- We will continue to deal with any insurance enquiries and sale enquiries
- You can still make a payment over the phone and online to keep your account up to date
- We will provide emergency repairs to our mid-market tenants
- We will only provide emergency common repairs for factored owners and commercial owners at this time – no reactive common repairs will be carried out until further notice
- Close and window cleaning services will stop from 24 March 2020 until further notice
- Glasgow City Council have withdrawn their food recycling waste service until further notice, therefore, you can no longer recycle any food waste in to the grey food waste bins in the backcourt. Please note grey food waste bins will not be emptied and all customers are asked to dispose of their food waste in to the green bins until further notice. Please contact Glasgow City Council direct on 0141 287 2000 regarding any issues you have with food waste.
- Glasgow City Council have suspended their bulk waste service from 19 March 2020 until further notice and therefore no items of bulk will be removed from the backcourts. We would request that you do not leave any items of bulk in the backcourts as this could cause a fire hazard. Please also note all household waste recycling centres are also closed until further notice.
- Backcourt maintenance services will stop from 24 March 2020, however, the bin pull out service will remain in place until further notice
We aim to minimise the impact this will have on customers, however we thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this time.
Development Team
The Development team manage our new build development programme as well as a number of major repairs projects.
Service info from Tuesday 24 March 2020
- In line with Government guidelines all of our construction sites have been closed until further notice. We have security measures in place on all sites however if you see any suspicious activity please do not hesitate to contact us using the details below
- We will continue to work on all pipeline projects to ensure our future development programme is not affected by the current closures
- We will continue to liaise with home owners regarding major repairs projects, although any construction work and/ or survey work will be postponed until further notice
If you wish to contact the development team please use the contact details below –
Telephone : 0141 330 1481 or 0141 330 1495
Mobile : 07972 172 198 or 07980 784 843
Email : developmentteam@partickha.org.uk
Community Development team
The Community Development team work with local groups, organisations, schools and tenants to assist with various projects that help make our community a better place to live and work.
Service info from Tuesday 24 March 2020
- In line with Government guidelines all gatherings of more than two people will have to be postponed/ cancelled with immediate effect. This includes all groups which we currently facilitate, including our Customer Advisory Panel.
- Our community team will continue to liaise with the local organisations and community groups to provide support and assistance during these unprecedented times
If you wish to contact our community development team please use the contact details below –
Telephone : 0141 330 1493 or 0141 330 1481
Mobile : 07972 172 198 or 07972 172 198
Email : developmentteam@partickha.org.uk
The Finance Team
We will still be able to process supplier invoices but as we are uncertain about the postal service, to be sure of prompt payment suppliers should send their invoices by email to accounts@partickha.org.uk. We will endeavour to get these authorised by the appropriate staff and paid promptly.
We will continue to post customer payment receipts to their accounts but these may take longer to process as we will be working remotely.
Customers can continue to pay their rent by the usual methods. Any queries should be directed to their Housing Officer.
By department/person: see staff contact details below
Stay safe and thank you for your patience.
Please see the links below for an update on our service to:
PHA Tenants
PWL Factored Homeowners
PWL Mid-Market Customers
PWL Commercial Customers