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Partick Housing Association & Annexe Communities bring huge £20K boost to Partick & Thornwood

Partick Housing Association is delighted to announce that we have been successful in securing a grant from the Scottish Government’s Community Choices Fund. We’re one of sixteen community organisations from across Scotland who were successful in securing a share of £750,000 to deliver local participatory budgeting projects – giving people a direct voice in how funds should be invested in their communities.

We are working in partnership with Annexe Communities to deliver The Partick & Thornwood Ideas Fund which will bring £20K directly into our community. Local people and projects will be able to apply for a share of the Fund, to deliver their ideas under three broad themes; Environment, Elderly and Young People. The wider community will then be invited to a voting event to decide which projects are awarded funding.

Viki McCormick, Community Development Officer at PHA, said “We’re pleased to be working in partnership with Annexe Communities to bring this fund to local people. We’re keen to engage with the community to develop their ideas, and encourage anyone who is interested to join us at the launch event or get in touch for more information. Participatory budgeting puts the decision making power into the hands of local people and we’re excited to work with the community on their priorities”.

Do you have an idea or a project which will benefit the community or someone living locally? Perhaps you’d like to host a community event, deliver an activity class for the elderly or fund a place on a course for a young person. Individuals can apply for a grant of £150 up to £500. Groups, projects or services (whether constituted or not) can apply for a grant of £150 up to £1500.

The Partick & Thornwood Ideas Fund will officially open at a launch event at Partick Housing Association on Thursday 1 November at 4pm. Application Guidance is available HERE, and Application Forms will be provided at the launch event. To register attendance click on the link below, or for more information contact Viki McCormick on 0141 330 1494 /


Key dates

Launch event Thursday 1 November 2018 at 4pm, PHA Offices
Deadline for Applications Thursday 22 November 2018 at 8pm
Community Voting Event Monday 3 December 2018 at 6pm at Partick Burgh Hall